
Senior Living Sales Teams: 1 Sales “Misstep” is Costing You Move-Ins

If you remember back in your early days in senior living sales, you probably recall being trained to follow a set of steps. You were taught how taking the wrong steps can postpone or even derail the sale. 

At Mom’s House, we’ve seen this often when a member of a senior living sales team is eagerly working towards a move-in. It’s not always smooth sailing, as you know. There are obstacles to overcome in many instances. 

One of those obstacles (which research indicates amounts to about 50% of your prospects) is when a home must be sold prior to transitioning. 

These steps become critical for Senior Living sales teams.

What senior living sales teams need to do is to take steps that will help the prospect transition as quickly as possible. What you don’t want to do is takes steps that delay or even derail the move-in. 

One common misstep is handing off a prospective resident to a real estate agent. While it may feel like the right thing to do, it will in fact add many more steps for the prospect. 

They will, at a minimum, need to:

  • Clean the house
  • Make repairs
  • Make cosmetic improvements

That not only adds significant expense and time (months) to the transition but also adds undue stress to a family already facing the challenge of transitioning from the family forever home into a senior living community. This often can lead to a complete derailment of the move-in. That’s bad news for the prospective resident who needs your help and not good news for your occupancy rates. 

Re-wire your Senior Living sales circuit by swapping out the real estate agent step.

What does that mean? Instead of automatically handing off your prospective resident to a real estate agent, you can replace that step by partnering with a specialist who is certified to purchase the home, as-is.

What does this accomplish? It does three very important things: 

  1. It removes the need to remodel, re-decorate, or make any costly improvements
  2. It removes the stress of having to get a house ready for sale
  3. It removes the biggest obstacle to the move-in

Now your move-ins can take weeks instead of months. 

But there’s an important caveat. 

Build trust with your prospects and their families by entrusting them with a Senior Transition Specialist from Mom’s House.

It’s important to be selective in the organization you choose to partner with. There are many companies that will “buy any house, sight unseen”. We call them “I-Buyers”. These people may not be out for your prospect’s best interests. They will lowball on price and may turn off the family and everyone else in the process. That’s another lost move-in and a loss of trust. 

You need to do your homework and look for a partner who is not only licensed to buy your prospective resident’s house but has been chosen for this work because they are more than just certified buyers, they are compassionate people who will work with the family to make the process as easy as possible. 

There are Senior transition specialists out there, like Mom’s House, who will pay a good price for your prospect’s home because they have all the resources to enable them to profit on their end without lowballing on your prospect’s end. 

Senior Living sales teams: get faster move-ins and also gain trust with your new residents. 

Mom’s House can even embed into your CRM so that your sales team can easily be connected to one of our nationally certified specialists. 

There are prospects out there who want to transition and need to transition but must first sell their family home. You can be part of the solution and bring them into your community months sooner. 

Let us know how we can help!