Answering Question And Keeping
Move-Ins Moving Forward
We know there’s a lot that goes in to offering Mom’s House to your prospects and you likely have
questions. Here are some our senior living partners most frequently ask.
How Do You Help Our Prospective Senior Living Residents?
We are not real estate agents. Mom’s House Senior Transition Specialists are real estate investors ready to offer your prospect much-needed cash for their home so they can avoid the costly, time-consuming process of getting the house ready and selling in the retail market.
Our trusted home buyer network will make your prospect a no-pressure, fair cash offer on the spot.
Are There Any Costs To Use Mom’s House?
Our services are no cost to you or your prospects. This is a no-pressure situation. We want your prospects to want to sell us your home when they’re ready. They don’t even have to clean it up or clean it out.
How do you help senior living communities?
Mom’s House eliminates a major barrier to moving to senior living – selling the home. By purchasing the home outright for cash in weeks rather than the average 3- to 6-month realtor model, we help drive occupancy and revenue by shortening your sales cycle.
How Do We Refer Prospects To You?
Become a Senior Living Partner by calling 877-870-3687.
How Long Does It Take To Sell The Home?
We complete the transaction in weeks not months – for cash. It really depends on the timetable for the family and how much time they need to ready the senior to move in.
Do You Accept The Home as-Is?
Yes, the families take the belongings they want and leave the rest behind. Our Senior Transition Specialists are experts and will handle all the “stuff” related to downsizing.
Are Your Services Available In All States?
Yes. We have the nation’s largest network of Senior Transition Specialists experienced in as-is senior home buying and work directly with senior living operators from coast to coast.
Let’s Talk About Getting You
More Move-Ins Faster
Listen To What Families Are Saying About Mom’s House

“I sold my home, It was a very pleasant experience. The guy was very experienced; they knew what they were doing…I sold my home to him after talking to several real estate agents.”


“I’m Susan and I was really happy with it.
(The offer) came out and I was just thrilled
with what a nice person and how capable he was.”


“My wife and I decided to move into a retirement community, we had to do that since she needed to get skilled nursing care. They were about as honest and communicative as they could get. I’ll give him 5 Stars”
